
17th September 2020
We Won an Award… So What?

A few days ago we received the very welcome news that we had won Gold in the Plants@work Awards, think Oscars but far more competitive!

We could not be happier, and even though it’s not our first win, it is every bit as important to us as every other victory that we have achieved over the 20 years that we have been going.

But why, and why could awards be good for your business as well?

Well, there are a number of reasons.

It helps ‘brand awareness’, we are a relatively small company competing with much larger, and in some cases multi-national businesses. To be recognised amongst such fierce competition is a genuine fillip and a true cause for celebration because we know how good our competitors are and how difficult it is to beat them.

Then there is the boost to morale, it hardly goes without saying that this has not been the easiest of years, and to be recognised for excellence at such a challenging time, has made the award all the sweeter.

A win also gives us a reason to mention Green Team Interiors in a wonderfully positive light to our clients, prospective clients and dare we say it… on LinkedIn.

Another, and perhaps overlooked bonus comes from the award application itself. Often you will need to respond to some pretty searching questions requiring some real thought about the business, why do we deserve a Gold Award?

And finally, any excuse to put on your posh frock and get handed a shiny trophy is always a reason to celebrate.

From the blog

Any Questions?

Any Questions?

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