It’s our birthday year, Ruth and Chris started Green Team Interiors waaaaay back in 2000, the idea having been inspired a year earlier, perched high above a jungle floor in Kerala, their lungs full of clean rainforest air (read their story and why we call our style of business A Better Way).

As much as we love cake*, we thought that we could do something a little more creative to mark our 20th, so after much discussion we decided on a year-long programme of saying thank you… thank you to our clients, suppliers and team members but most of all, thank you to the people and organisations that work so hard to help make our community a better place.

It might be an RAK (Random Act of Kindness), a donation to a favourite charity or a helping hand to someone that needs it, the truth is, we don’t know yet so we would love to hear your ideas.

The first of our Twenty for Twenty initiatives saw us go along to see the wonderful people at Home Start in Butser, they provide an invaluable service supporting parents with young children at home. We did not go empty handed of course and our MD Mark was pleased to hand over a rather splendid arrangement from our So Succulent range.

Home Start Butser

We will be carrying on with our support of the fabulous Sustainability Centre in Petersfield and hope to have some very exciting news from that particular quarter very soon.

So, over to you our lovely friends, who would you like to see us work with? Could we perhaps take on a challenge or help with a community project or lend a bit of weight to an awareness campaign for a worthy cause?

Please let us know.

*We will be having cake as well