
26th August 2020
Plants in the Community

Here at Green Team Interiors we are of course dedicated to the principle that ‘Plants make People Better’ and for evidence of the health-giving properties of greenery you need look no further than this very blog page and our own website.

Here you will find empirical proof that plants really do benefit us humans, articles about biophilia and the role played by NASA in spreading the word about why we need plants in our lives as well as plenty of examples of peer reviewed research from some of the world’s leading universities.

Plants bring us together in wonderful, inspirational and surprising ways, like the people that tune into Gardener’s Question Time every week despite owning little more than a window box or small indoor arrangement.

Plants have a magic all of their own.

And so, when we were looking through the most recent newsletter from our friends at the Guildford Environmental Forum we were delighted to see an article written by Helen Harris, all about her local community garden.

I have been a volunteer at Rosamund Community Garden now for approaching three years and an important part of what I love about the place is the diverse network of people it has allowed me to get to know…During lockdown it has been essential to continue to visit the garden and tend to it, but now we cannot meet as we used to. Our community volunteers have devised a rota to maintain our programme of sowing, planting, harvesting and maintenance…

There are community garden projects all over the UK, places like Farnham space2grow, a haven, transformed from waste ground by Corin Harrison and his team, a perfect example of what can be achieved in a relatively short time with a few great ideas and plenty of hard work.

Even closer to our home in Hampshire is the wonderful Petersfield Community Garden, a genuine haven for people to enjoy, relax and socialise in, all with the added bonus of sharing ‘the fruits of their labours’, quite literally in some cases.

Like many community gardens, they rely on donations to keep going and you can read more about their great work and how to become a ‘Friend of the Garden’ by visiting

Green Team Interiors are currently working with Nicola Rieg and his team at the Centre for Environment and Sustainability at the University of Surrey, this project is another community initiative, this time aimed at reducing waste and improving the work and study environment at the Guildford Campus.

To read the rest of Helen’s article please visit and to find a community garden or gardening group near you, please visit

…and while we are on the subject of wonderful people, can we point you in the direction of the remarkable Ann-Marie Powell and her excellent My Real Garden website, it’s packed with tips, sound advice and glorious images. Ann-Marie’s Instagram is a thing of genuine beauty and we cannot recommend her gentle musings highly enough.

You can find the site at and trust us, you will not be disappointed.

Plants give hope in a world of uncertainty, so whether it’s at home or at work, in a garden, a window box or indoors, to paraphrase the Strictly team…. Keeeep planting!

From the blog

Any Questions?

Any Questions?

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We considered the role of plants in medicine, and how even the humblest leaf, root, or herb literally saves the day, every minute of every day.

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