
19th June 2024
The ‘Hotelification’ of the workplace

We must confess that in the dark days of lockdown, and its immediate aftermath, we had some very serious concerns about some parts of our future business.

It was clear that the workplace was changed, perhaps forever, and there was no certainty that our services would be required, particularly in businesses where staff were able to work from home.

We introduced a range of ‘Green Screens’, designed to act as barriers, both for social distancing, and to ‘hide’ unused office space. The range proved popular, and indeed we continue to supply and maintain these features, but the majority are now used purely as decoration.

So, what is ‘Hotelification’?

As the workplace changed, focus has been placed on making the office environment more welcoming, encouraging staff to enjoy their surroundings, rather in the same way that they appreciate the atmosphere of a good hotel, or hospitality venue.

It’s not just plants of course, although we love how much ‘the green stuff’ is appreciated, and used by office designers, and fit out companies to make workplaces more comfortable. We have seen offices newly equipped with fitness centres, drop-in style cafes, lounge areas, and chill-zones.

Adapting workspaces in this way is helping to rejuvenate the way that people view office environments, seeing them as places to enjoy, rather than just work. The benefits of plants to mental wellbeing are proven, and we are now seeing offices being designed to attract and keep staff.

Businesses are adapting, and it is our great pleasure to play a part in this mini-revolution, so we say ‘hats off to hotelification’.

From the blog

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