
12th December 2023
The Tender Process

As with many businesses, we are often asked to apply for contracts via a formal tender process, this system used to be almost exclusively the preserve of larger companies with considered and very well-defined, procurement policies.

However, we are seeing more and more businesses of all shapes and sizes requesting details of our policies, working practices and sustainability achievements… and we could not be happier!

For years, in fact from the very outset of our company we have practiced what we call ‘A Better Way’, of doing business, and it is wonderful to see so many companies embracing the idea of treating every person with respect, and introducing measures to reduce, and in some cases remove their negative environmental impact.

Of course, when our founders came up with the idea of ‘A Better Way’ over twenty-years ago, very few people had heard of an Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy, Corporate Social Responsibility, or even a Sustainability Policy.

Good companies did good things because it was the right thing to do, and even back before CSR was the phenomenal success that it is today, there were plenty of businesses promoting best practice in every part of their operation.

CSR, EDI, and Sustainability policies are now commonplace (or should be!), and they are constantly evolving, making workplaces better, safer, more inclusive and less damaging to the environment. Customers are far more discerning and well-informed than they ever have been, and they will check credentials before making a buying decision.

Green Team Interiors has a published EDI policy, and a commitment to Sustainability that can be read about on our website. We have a comprehensive staff handbook that proudly details our policies and working practices, and boy do we love a tender document.

We are a small, but growing business and we are determined to do the very best that we can, because, as our EDI Policy states… The fact that we cannot do everything, should never be an excuse for not doing everything that we can.

We believe in ‘A Better Way’, and thankfully, it is very quickly becoming ‘The Only Way’ to do business.

From the blog

Plants to the Rescue

Plants to the Rescue

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