
What’s new?

We work hard to keep our customers and friends in touch with everything that’s new and exciting here at Steep Marsh, not only with Green Team Interiors news but also in the world of plants and plant-people.

Over the years we have built up quite an extensive archive of blogs and articles on just about every subject under the sun, please feel free to browse and share.

We also have our regular newsletter, we keep it light-hearted and informative, and if you would like to be included on our mailing list please email

You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and engage with our personal accounts on LinkedIn.

…and finally, if there’s anything you would like to see featured in a blog or if you have a specific question that you would like us to answer, please just call or email…we love to help.

Our latest posts

Maintaining the gold standard.

Maintaining the gold standard.

At Green Team Interiors, we've always known that excellent service shouldn't be a luxury. We believe in making every one of our projects exceed...

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The whole package

The whole package

At Green Team Interiors, it's no secret that we care deeply about plants. We often talk about the health benefits of having them around the office,...

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15% increase in productivity

with clear spaces and clear heads

Reduce anxiety & stress by 50%

with a positive work environment

50% rise in creativity

by cultivating inspirational spaces

Reduce air conditioning by 30%

with cleaner & clearer air

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