What’s new?
We work hard to keep our customers and friends in touch with everything that’s new and exciting here at Steep Marsh, not only with Green Team Interiors news but also in the world of plants and plant-people.
Over the years we have built up quite an extensive archive of blogs and articles on just about every subject under the sun, please feel free to browse and share.
We also have our regular newsletter, we keep it light-hearted and informative, and if you would like to be included on our mailing list please email
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…and finally, if there’s anything you would like to see featured in a blog or if you have a specific question that you would like us to answer, please just call or email…we love to help.
Our latest posts
Enjoy office plants until spring arrives
Spring may have sprung on the meteorological calendar, but you are possibly wondering why we are still feeling a little chilly… The March equinox...
Is your minimalist office affecting your business performance?
It is estimated that on average, office workers in the UK will spend the equivalent of five years of their life sat at their desk. So when it comes...
Breathe fresh air into your office with our top five office plants.
Modern office spaces may be energy efficient, and certainly look the part. Unfortunately, lack of air flow and subsequent health risks can be an...
Why investing in plants for your office can help reduce staff sickness.
It’s well known that office plants make your space look better, but studies have shown that they help your staff feelbetter too. Investing in plants...
Show your employees you care this Valentine’s Day
At Green Team Interiors, we always look forward to the month of February. The days start getting noticeably longer, the first signs of Spring...
When you think it’s all over…
Christmas will feel like a distant memory : now that the festive dust has settled, most of us are settling back into our routines and looking out...
Christmas cheer for nursing home
Green Team Interiors set up a pop-up office at Surrey Technology Centre in Guildford to promote Christmas décor in the work place. Visitors admired...
Thinking Green… Think Recycled
At Green Team Interiors we are consistently searching for innovative products and services that not only champion our sustainability goals but also...
Christmas is coming
Christmas was a distant thought when we last invited you to download our Christmas brochure. Now it is a matter of weeks away and we have made it...
Air quality in the workplace
In a world where business is driven by technology, you may be surprised to learn that many of our work places experience poor air quality. ...
Autumn is here… Time for a green interior
Autumn is nearly upon us and the leaves are starting to turn from green to gold. It's time to bid farewell to summer as the evenings start to draw...
Thinking green? Think Green Team…
With climate change on everyone’s mind and how it is affecting the environment, isn’t it time to consider changing the space in which you work by...
15% increase in productivity
with clear spaces and clear heads
Reduce anxiety & stress by 50%
with a positive work environment
50% rise in creativity
by cultivating inspirational spaces
Reduce air conditioning by 30%
with cleaner & clearer air