What’s new?
We work hard to keep our customers and friends in touch with everything that’s new and exciting here at Steep Marsh, not only with Green Team Interiors news but also in the world of plants and plant-people.
Over the years we have built up quite an extensive archive of blogs and articles on just about every subject under the sun, please feel free to browse and share.
We also have our regular newsletter, we keep it light-hearted and informative, and if you would like to be included on our mailing list please email
You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and engage with our personal accounts on LinkedIn.
…and finally, if there’s anything you would like to see featured in a blog or if you have a specific question that you would like us to answer, please just call or email…we love to help.
Our latest posts
A Fond Adieu to John
It’s a little easier to say goodbye knowing that we will be saying hello again soon. Our colleague John is taking a sabbatical and whilst he will be...
Have you heard about Plant Music?
In less enlightened times than those we enjoy today, the idea that talking to plants could help them to grow was ridiculed. In fact those of us that...
For many people, it’s not just Monday that’s Blue
Thankfully the subject of mental health and wellbeing in the workplace has become much easier to talk about in recent years and many responsible...
Engineering a Healthier Business
Plants Make Buildings Better BSRIA (the Building Services Research & Information Association) is an independent non-profit organisation that has...
Christmas Decorations for your office… why it makes sense to go professional
Well, that’s the summer holidays pretty much over and all we can say is, phew…what a scorcher! September is upon us and of course your thoughts will...
The surprising world of biophilia and biophilic design
It may not be a word with which you are familiar but we guarantee you will be hearing a lot more about it. What is it? Biophilia, or the biophilia...
Aloe Vera – A plant full of surprises
"One of those wonderful occasions when we realise just how much we love our job" – Els, Green Team Interiors. Of course we love our work and why...
Give in to greenery… or why office plants could be your perfect business partner
Plants add more to an office than just a decorative touch. Not only do they detox and purify the air, but their natural foliage can improve job...
Reducing Anxiety Through the Power of Plants: Make a positive change to during Mental Health Awareness Week
Work, lifestyle or simply bad weather makes us spend a lot of time indoors. Did you know that poor air quality and lack of fresh, breathable air can...
Green Team Interiors celebrate success at annual industry awards
On 26 April, plants@work organised the annual awards event to recognise interior landscaping excellence, celebrating the work undertaken by...
Why summer is the perfect time for extra TLC to your indoor plants
When the days get longer and warmer, it can be easy to forget about indoor plants as we spend more time outside. Summer, however, is the perfect...
Reduce fatigue with desk friendly plants in your office
Ask any interior designer and they will tell you that the popularity of indoor plants has exploded in recent months! And it’s not just the living...
15% increase in productivity
with clear spaces and clear heads
Reduce anxiety & stress by 50%
with a positive work environment
50% rise in creativity
by cultivating inspirational spaces
Reduce air conditioning by 30%
with cleaner & clearer air