To emphasise the need for plants in the working environment, this week marks National Plants at Work Week, an initiative by our trade association, eFIG.

The green-fingered experts behind National Plants at Work Week (NPWW) recommend that employees get a daily dose of plants within the workforce and we couldn’t agree more!

Backed up with years of research from all over the world, the NPWW has at least 7 reasons why offices should introduce plants within the working environment.

  • Plants raise our general well-being by at least 47%.

  • The more plants that can be seen from an employee’s desk, the less self-reported sick leave they take.

  • Plants clean the air we breathe and refresh it with oxygen for us to breathe.

  • Just one plant will improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety.

  • Plants can improve our performance and productivity by as much as 12% – 38%.

  • Plants can also make us almost 50% more creative.

  • Plants help fulfil our need for nature (the biophilia concept recognised by Richard Louv).

We could go on for longer…

For more information about the importance of plants in a working environment, click here.

Let us know how your office will be celebrating National Plants at Work Week.

If the experts at Green Team Interiors Ltd can help you, please contact us on 01730 890111 or email