As the World Cup takes centre stage, we thought it would be fun to highlight just a few of the plants used in interior landscaping which originate from South and Central America.

Needless to say all of the plants we use are grown by specialist growers and are never taken from the wild.

Maranta leuconeura

Originating in Brazil, the Maranta is also known as the Prayer Plant.

The Prayer Plant earned its name because of the way its leaves fold together at night, like hands closed in prayer. Its leaves unfold in the morning light, sometimes making a rustling sound. Cool, huh?

Showy, oval-shaped leaves have a spectacular light-and-dark-green feathered pattern with red veins, and are often red underneath.

We like to display them in bright bold coloured planters to really show them off.

Watch out for more exotic plants in the Green Team World Cup.