
20th April 2021
A View from The Marsh

‘It’s the most Wonderful Time of the Year’

Far be it from us to argue with the legend that was Mr Andy Williams, or indeed any of the wonderful singers that have performed the song over the years (it was actually written in 1963 by Edward Pola and George Wyle), but here goes…

When Andy belted out the line ‘It’s the hap-happiest season of all’ he can’t possibly have experienced spring in the UK.

Spring is here in all her glory and this year, surely more than any other, there are so many reasons to rejoice in the regeneration we see happening in every garden, hedgerow, field and park.

Certainly here at our HQ in Steep Marsh, Hampshire (or leafy Hampshire to give it its full title), we are awash with blossom, the lambs frolic gaily in the meadow adjacent to our office and there is a distinct warming of the air.

Now, let’s not run away with the idea that the last year hasn’t been tough, in fact it’s been insufferable beyond belief for many people, and in writing this homage to spring we have to acknowledge the fact that for more than a few of us, the struggle continues.

We are not Pollyanna.

But, we do try to see the best in situations, our business is all about bringing happiness to workplaces and we have written extensively on the matter of the positive physical and mental effects that plants have on people and places.

So, we are looking forwards not back, up not down and we will celebrate spring in all her splendour, yes autumn might have its ‘mists and mellow fruitfulness’ but for us right now we are determined to enjoy the best of spring, the best of the UK countryside, the best of seasons.

On your walks, look out for Bluebells, Daffs, the white froth of Cow Parsley, bright yellow Cowslips, pretty pink Herb-Robert, if you’re lucky enough to be in East Anglia you might even see the Oxlip (we won’t tell you where it grows, look it up!), most woodland clearings are home to the beautiful Primrose and when the Bluebells die back, keep an eye out for the stunning Red Campion.

Beauty is everywhere, we appreciate how lucky we are to have a home in ‘leafy’ Hampshire but wherever you are, nature is there too, and it’s there for you to enjoy and admire.

Whatever you are doing this spring, take care, stay safe and be kind.

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