
19th April 2023
A Day to Remember

Today is International Interior Landscaper Day, and while we accept that the occasion perhaps lacks some of the impact associated with Christmas Jumper Day, Red Nose Day and International Talk Like a Pirate Day, to us it is rather a big deal.

Our industry could not survive without the efforts of interior landscape professionals, and today we get an opportunity to say thank you to these invaluable colleagues, ‘real plant people’ that bring so much colour and life to workplaces around the world.

We caught up with John, senior Interior Landscaper and a very familiar face to our clients, to ask for a few thoughts about his work.

How many years have you been an interior landscaper?

Nine, with a brief sabbatical to travel and guess what…look at plants in some rather exotic places.

If you had to choose a favourite plant, what would it be and why?

I love plants with impact, and Schefflera Actinophylla is a firm favourite! Huge, naturally glossy leaves and easy to care for; it’s a winner! Look out for the Gold Leaf Form Schefflera Actinophylla ‘Golden Amate’ it’s a total stunner!

Can you see any trends in interior landscaping for people to keep an eye out for?

Current trends include ceramic and stoneware containers often on wooden stands and grouped into focal areas. Mixed planting is a firm favourite in cabinet top displays, bringing plants closer to desks and workspaces. I think future trends could include hanging plant displays utilising dead space and new dimensions.

Do you have a favourite type of display?

I love living walls! When done well, they are a striking and incredibly beautiful use of vertical space. Utilising wall space can be ideal for a large planting area that may not be available on a floor plan.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I really enjoy building client relationships and I particularly love helping staff with plant advice for their own plants at home.

Would you recommend a career in landscaping?

Interior landscaping is a very rewarding career. If you love plants, hard work, the freedom of the open road and developing client relationships then it’s perfect for you.

Anything else?

Plants are one of the most incredible and beautiful aspects of the natural world. We too belong to nature, so it is vital that we stay connected to our environment.

Thanks John, and happy ‘International Interior Landscaper Day’ to you, and all your colleagues!

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