This Valentine’s Day, help keep office relationships healthy by filling the building with plants. It might sound crazy, but there’s some sense behind it.

People have long been using the goodness of nature to look after themselves. You only need to walk past Body Shop or Lush to see just how popular plant-based products are to shoppers. Not only do we use their extracts to create serums and formulas that keeps us looking young on the outside, but we also turn them into pills and capsules that can keep us feeling good on the inside.

But could simply having some green-leafed friends around us be enough to make us appear more appealing? Well, according to, the answer is “yes”. It would seem that keeping plants is a great way for men to show off their caring side. More importanly, they also help keep the atmosphere clearer and promote lower levels of stress. Which is great news for everyone.

Now, we’re not suggesting that plants in the workplace are magic. Nor are we suggesting you should play office matchmaker. But introducing some greenery to your office can certainly help to make the environment more appealing and help your employees feel at ease with one another. And that can only be good for business.

At Green Team Interiors, we’re experts at creating and maintaining green office spaces you and your employees will love. So if you’re looking to create a healthy, positive atmosphere this Valentine’s Day, please give us a call on 01730 890111 or drop us an email at