
14th December 2021
What’s so special about Christmas?

After a busy 6 weeks of installing trees and decorations in workplaces across the south east, you might be forgiven for thinking that everyone at Green Team Interiors might be a little jaded at the thought of Christmas?

Not a bit of it.

In fact we had a lovely time just the other day swapping stories about what makes Christmas so special, and we had some surprising contributions…and one really surprising contribution!

For most it’s not trappings like presents, cards, great TV shows or even time off work that make the holiday special, it’s overwhelmingly the people, take Louise for example.

Enjoying quality time spent with loved ones, gorgeous food (usually far too much!) and especially a Christmas morning walk with the dogs and the children after breakfast!’

Another that appreciates the simpler things in life is John ‘Spending precious time with loved ones and eating large quantities of delicious food before taking a festive walk’.

So, that’s two votes for food, family (including dogs), and walking.

We go next to Fi, who brings a slightly different air to proceedings thanks to a Scandinavian upbringing. ‘Christmas Eve is our tradition Norweigian Christmas Eve, we celebrate every year with the whole family & traditional Norweigian food,  the children are allowed to choose one present from under the tree (they always go for the biggest).  We light our Norweigian candle and remember our heritage. It’s known as Julaften.’

Christmas Eve is a big day for Els too ‘Having my grown up children home again… we start off with celebrations on Christmas eve, as is the custom in my native Belgium. Then on Christmas Day we do it all again the British way. Food, laughter, love.’

Naomi enjoys nothing more than guests arriving on Christmas Day while Linda is a fan of seeing the lights in neighbours gardens and houses, Becky just loves Santa Claus and his bag of presents, while for Kym it’s ‘Playing games with family and eating all the yummy things we’ve been saving just for Christmas!’

Becca went for a mix of ‘passing down family traditions & making new ones’ and ‘everyone being off work at the same time’ while managing director Mark gave us this memorable quote.

‘I hate Christmas.’

Now, in fairness to Mark we know he wasn’t being serious, but just in case, when we play the same game next year, we will ask him at a different time… we’re thinking March or April.

Whatever you are up to this holiday season we all hope that you have a wonderful time, stay safe and as Els says, enjoy plenty of ‘food, laughter & love’.

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