At Green Team Interiors, we are always looking for new and innovative ways to create healthy offices without compromising on style. That’s why we are delighted to share with you one of our newest additions to the design process, the Palette Cube.

Cube is a small new device that, with a single tap, can remove the guess-work from colour matching, making it quick and easy to discover the colours that surround us. Just by simply holding Cube to any surface, we can capture colours from a number of systems, including RBG, HEX, CMYK and more.


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Whether you want to capture the colour of your logo, furniture or walls, this new technology allows us to create beautiful, personalised displays that reflect your brand and bring your office to life! Cube gives us the capability to create accurate visual images of potential installs, meaning you can see what your bespoke design looks like before completing your order.

For more details on how this process could benefit your office, get in touch with us on 01730 890111, or email us at