Did you know?

Not only are plants beautiful but they offer many other health and cost saving benefits too …

Introducing plants within the working environment can have a positive impact on your employee’s health and productivity levels. Research has shown that plants have a calming effect, particularly for those sat behind a computer screen.

Complaints of minor ailments often linked to Sick Building Syndrome (i.e. headaches, blocked sinuses etc.) have also been known to decrease by an average of 25% when there is interior planting.

With stress being one of the UK’s biggest health problems at work, organisations are looking to the positive benefits released from plants in order to improve productivity within their workforce.

So how can plants improve health and well-being?

Through the process of photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen to help us breathe. Plants also return well over 90% of all the water we give them back into the atmosphere, raising humidity levels and making us feel more at ease. It has also be proven that plants help reduce noise levels indoors through sound absorption from their stems, leaves, branches, wood, etc.

The all-important proof!

A study by Margaret Burchett on the effects of plants on psychological wellbeing of staff showed that by simply including one plant either on or beside a desk, reduced stress by as much as 50%. Using psychological survey questionnaires in a controlled environment, Burchett showed a mean average of reductions in negative mood states of between 40 – 60%. Specifically:

Depression – 58%
Overall stress – 50%
Anxiety – 37%
Fatigue – 38%
Confusion – 30%
Overall negativity – 65%
Anger – 44%

If just one plant can make a significant difference in health and wellbeing, imagine the positive benefits an interior planting scheme could have on your working environment.