Engineering a Healthier Business

Engineering a Healthier Business

Plants Make Buildings Better BSRIA (the Building Services Research & Information Association) is an independent non-profit organisation that has been providing specialist research and consultancy to the construction and building industry since 1955. With over 200...
The surprising world of biophilia and biophilic design

The surprising world of biophilia and biophilic design

It may not be a word with which you are familiar but we guarantee you will be hearing a lot more about it. What is it? Biophilia, or the biophilia hypothesis is the idea that all human beings possess an inborn need to connect with nature and other life-forms. It was...
Aloe Vera – A plant full of surprises

Aloe Vera – A plant full of surprises

“One of those wonderful occasions when we realise just how much we love our job” – Els, Green Team Interiors. Of course we love our work and why wouldn’t we? It’s a job that brings joy to many thousands of people every week as our plants and displays...